MathematicaHandbook Table of Contents |
Mathematica Usage Tutorials | |
Intro to Mathematica 1 | Basic syntax, intro to replacement rules and functions |
Intro to Mathematica 2 | Plotting,DEs,multi-line functions |
Vectors & Integrals | Operations on vectors, multiple integrals, 3D graphics |
Basic Numerical Functions | FindRoot,NSolve, LinearSolve, NIntegrate, etc. |
Pattern Matching | x_, Map, pure functions Thread, Head, Apply, etc. |
Input & Output | Importing and Exporting spreadsheets, graphics, etc. Using Wolfram curated data e.g. FinancialData |
Images, Text & Sound | Image processing; string functions; working with .wav files, etc |
Plotting& Graphics Examples | Many examples of 2D and 3D graphics, animations, etc. |
Complex Variables | |
Complex Arithmetic | Re<>Im, Arg, ComplexExpand, complex roots and functions |
Complex Analysis | Residue, Cauchy-Riemann conditions, residue theorem |
Topics in Complex Variables | Riemann surfaces, Argument principle, conformal mapping |
Linear Algebra | |
Solving Linear Equations | Under- and over determined systems, NullSpace, PseudoInverse |
Determinants | Properties of determinants, minors, Wronskian, Cramer's rule |
Transformations and Eigenvalues | Quadratic forms, ellipsoids, diagonalization, variational theorems non orthogonal bases, covariant and contravariant components |
Cartesian Tensors | Tensor algebra; tensors as multilinear functions; transformation laws; Levi-Civita |
Singular Values | SingularValueDecomposition theory and examples |
Vector Analysis | |
Cartesin Vector Analysis | ![]() |
Non-Cartesian Vector Analysis | ∇ in polar, spherical, cylindrical coordinates |
DiracDelta & Generalized functions | DiracDelta, UnitStep, multidimensional δ, series for δ |
Ordinary Differential equations | |
Analytic Solutions | First order DEs, constant coefficient systems, MatExp |
Series and Special Functions | Regular and irregular singular points, Frobenius solutions Hermite, Legendre, Bessel, Hypergeometric functions |
Greens Functions | Initial value problems; boundary value problems |
Numerical Solutions & Nonlinear DEs | NDSolve phase space, spontaneous singularities |
Boundary value problems | NDSolve, shooting method, eigenvalue problems, finite difference method |
Partial Differential equations | |
Derivation of equations | physically motivated derivation of Laplace, Diffusion, wave eq. |
Separation of Variables | orthogonal functions for solutions of the standard equations of mathematical physics |
Laplace Equation | |
Diffusion Equation | |
Wave Equation | |
Series Solutions | |
Cartesian BVP | Typical problems involving Fourier series |
Cylindrical BVP | Typical problems involving Bessel function expansions |
Spherical BVP | Typical problems involving expansions in Spherical harmonics |
Numerical Solutions | Use of NDSolve for PDEs and finite difference numerical solutions |
Finite Elements | mesh generation, weak solutions, numerical method for solutions for nonseparable problems |
Point Source Solutions | Greens function for Laplace, Heat, Wave, equations |
Fourier Series and Transforms | Fourier Series , transforms, and expansions in orthogonal functions |
Lagrange Multipliers | Analytic and numerical constrained optimization, NMinimize |
Calculus of Variations | Examples from mechanics, EulerEquations, FirstIntegrals |
Asymtotic Analysis | Evaluating integrals using stationary phase, steepest decent, WKB |
Perturbation Theory | ε expansion solutions for algebraic & differential equations |
Dimensional Analysis | Units and PhysicalConstants packages, ReduceUnits, dimanal |
Probability& Statistics | |
Elementary Probability | Random variables, distribution functions, expectation values |
Maximum Likelihood | Linear and nonlinear regression, confidence intervals |
Utilities | Packages for working with DEs, dimensional analysis, etc. |
Special Function Facts | Important properties of Bessel, Legendre, Laguerre , etc. |
Applications & Case Studies | |
Circuits | Review of elementary circuits, impedance, LRC circuits, switches |
Normal Modes | Animations of blocks on springs, density of states, linearization |
Fresnel Equations | Reflection and refraction of a vector wave at an interface |
Wave Guides | Electromagnetic waves confined by conductors and dielectrics |
Thermodynamic Derivatives | Symbolic calculations of thermodynamic derivatives |
Fluid Mechanics | Navier-Stokes equation, vector Laplacian, vorticity |
Multipole Expansions | Far field solutions to Laplace equation using cartesian tensors and spherical harmonics |
Numerical Integration | Accuracy, Precision, MonteCarlo integration |
Digital Sampling | Digital scope simulator, aliasing, Nyquist critical frequency |
N Body Simulation | Simulating a gas of hard spheres; animations |
Quantum Square well | Bound states of a 1D potential well |
Quantum Harmonic Oscilator | Solution of quantum oscillator problem using series and DSolve |
Hydrogen Atom | Schrödinger equation for hydrogenic atom; 3D graphics |
Puzzles | |
Who owns the zebra? | A logic puzzle |
Sudoku | A number puzzle |
Packages&Guides | a listing of standard packages and guides available in Version 10.0 documentation |
References | |
Index |